I don't have a huge list. As my daughter ages, there may be more journeys I realize I wish to take with her, but right now, most of my list remains local.
Some of the greater items include:
- Become a published author (where a company and an editor and agent wants to represent and publish my work) and be able to give public readings and visit schools
- Become fluent in Spanish
- Discover an artform that I can do well and love
- Play various instruments with at least basic proficiency (including the ukulele, guitar, my various dulcimers, the flute, the clarinet, and the violin)
- Visit Disney World and nearby parks multiple at least once (but hopefully more times) with my daughter
- Learn ventriloquism
- Take my daughter to the ocean
- Become an audio book reader
- Do voice overs for an animated show
- Become a mom (DONE!)
- Become a teacher (DONE!)
- Speak at a TED talk
- Live to see my daughter grow up, find love, and possibly have children of her own (my part involves taking care of myself as best I can, and being a guide and role model as my daughter grows)
It is not too early to start acting on our bucket lists. Sometimes, especially for some of the items on my list, it's a matter of figuring out how to start or acquire the means to attempt the task. Sometimes, it's not just about ourselves, though. We may have the info and resources to help others work toward items on their lists without us even knowing it.
This week's picture book starts with the dedication in the front of the book, "For people who love dogs and for dogs who love people." If you are one of these people, or perhaps one of these dogs, then I predict you will connect to Stay: A Girl, a Dog, a Bucket List by the sister team of Kate Klise and M. Sarah Klise.
Stay: A Girl, a Dog, a Bucket List Written by Kate Klise; Illustrated by M. Sarah Klise; (c)2017 Feiwel & Friends (Publisher)

One day, Astrid recognizes that even though Eli remains the same size, he's getting older. She decides, then, to make a bucket list of activities they must do together before Eli is too old.
The story continues with the two spending time completing items on the list. Sometimes, the time together is solely about being together and not going anywhere or doing anything else. This is what matters in the end (of the book, too).
At first, an unknown storyteller narrates the story. Later, we can see Astrid's thoughts when she verbalizes them to Eli. What makes the story special next is that we can see Eli's thoughts as he thinks his feelings during or after an activity. This touches me in that having had dogs in the past, I always wondered if my dog enjoyed what we were doing. Dog lovers know when their pooches are happy. Yet, even when the animals express joy through their body movements and facial expressions, are they enjoying the activity, or is the joy more in merely being with their humans? I know I often wondered what Daisy or Brandi (my family's past dogs) would say if they could speak my language.
I discovered today's picture book after a librarian posted, in an online media specialist group that I follow, wondering if anyone else cries when they read certain books to their students. Several elementary librarians shared titles that bring out the tears. I have not read Stay to a class yet, but I did read it to Little Sapling. I didn't cry, but I could have. While various websites I checked show the age range for this book is preschool and kindergarten, I definitely believe that older children, as well as adults, can be moved by the story.
SPOILER ALERT (in case you are wondering): Eli does NOT die in the book. Even so, the story is bound to touch readers who have ever loved and lost a pet, or who are seeing their current pet slow down with age.
What are some items on your bucket list?
Going back to the media specialist's question, have you read any books (either aloud or to yourself) that made you cry? I would love to see titles from readers that have deeply affected you to tears. The first book I remember reading as a kid that made me cry was The Friends by Rosa Guy (published originally, I believe, in 1973. I read it, likely, in the early 80's).
Post your comments below. (Remember they may not appear right away.) I hope to hear from you!
Today and tomorrow,
"The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein has always made me cry. Your posts have interesting insights, Tamara. Keep writing!